Congenital Heart Disease… Fighting for the cause and working towards a cure! There are miracles in this world and your support helps make them happen!
I never understood the need for a medical miracle. I never understood the need for cures. And I surely never understood the need for awareness or the need for funding for more research. I can say I did because it seems like the right thing to say, but it wouldn’t be the truth. I lived my own life, and my life was untouched by the world of chronic illness…specifically Congenital Heart Disease.
Then on October 4th, 2010 this crazy world and I collided into each other. My 4 week old beautiful perfect baby boy Jake was diagnosed with a rare heart defect ALCAPA. We were transported to Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia where my son spent the next month fighting for his life. My world suddenly became a world full of sadness, a world full of sleepless nights, and monitors beeping, and last chance efforts. It is also became a world of witnessing children die far, far before their time.
……But sometimes it’s a world full of miracles.
A world full of children, like Jake, who are beating the odds.
A world full of children running around with scars on their chests (that you never see) and smiles on their faces.
A world of children who have a chance to start their own family, to live life with no limits, and to love with every ounce of their mended hearts.
Please consider joining the Big Hearts to Little Hearts walk this year as we raise awareness and funding for Congenital Heart Disease. Don’t underestimate the impact your time and your generous donations have in finding medical advancements for this horrible disease. You are the reason miracles happen! And having Jake, my very own miracle, I can not thank you enough for your support!!!! xoxo