Running 26.2 miles to give Joseph and so many other c.h.d kids hope to survive
My Joseph was born with Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome, which means his right ventricle was underdeveloped and would never be able to function efficiently enough to keep him alive. Not so long ago, he would have been termed a “blue baby” and would have not survived infancy. Because of the advances in medical science, Joseph’s heart has undergone two surgeries which re-routed his blood flow so that his heart now functions with the single ventricle. While this repair has been miraculous in giving Joseph a chance to reach adulthood, it also is not a “fix” for his problem, and sooner or later, single ventricles wear out requiring heart transplant. There is research now which would actually fix his heart and make it whole without transplant. Big Hearts is dedicated to funding this research as well as other projects that seek to lengthen and improve the lives of all victims of congenital heart disease. Please back me, Joseph’s mom, as I run 26.2 miles in order to guarantee that all victims of c.h.d. (which affects 40,000 children each year and is the number one birth defect related cause of death in children) survive and thrive into adulthood. Please consider sponsoring me one dollar per mile. Thank you so much for your support! xoxo