Joseph may have half a heart, but he lives life 100%.
79% Raised
$1,565.00 donated of $2,000.00 goal
6 Donors
Campaign has ended
Joseph was born with Hypolplastic Right Heart Syndrome, which meant that he required 2 operations in order to survive past infancy. The surgeries were successful, and his life expectancy is much better than it would have been, but he now lives on a single pump (half a heart), and he will need a lot more help in order to live a normal life expectancy. There are about as many kids with half a heart as there are with cystic fibrosis, though there is very little awareness of congenital heart disease. There is research out there now waiting to be funded…it could give Joseph that chance. Please join us or make a donation and give Joseph and so many children like him a fighting chance!