It is that time again! Joseph was born in 2005 with Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome (often referred to as “half a heart”). He has undergone two surgeries, and we have had a few bumps in the road, but he is a very happy, sweet, active boy. Please help us improve the odds that he will live a long life without the need for a heart transplant. Please help us extend and improve the lives of all victims of c.h.d. No amount is too small.
I will be participating in the walk on September 22 and running either the Half or Full Marathon in Philly in November. I would do anything to help my sweet boy and so many other victims of c.h.d. to have a better chance and more hope. I hope that you will help in any way you can…join me or support me please. Your help means more than I can say. xoxo