Sponsor a point in your local area. Please be sure to provide your email address for follow-up confirmation and details.
In-Person: Adults must pay a $50 registration fee, or raise a minimum of $50 to walk. Children under 18 are free 10AM registration • 11AM walk Manasquan Boardwalk; socially distanced lunch to follow at Leggetts Virtual: $25 registration fee, or raise a...
12:00 – Check-in/Lunch 12:30 – Shot-gun Start 5:00 – Cocktails 6:00 – Dinner, Auction & Prizes Sponsorships available!
dinner • open bar • live music • raffle & gift auction $100 per person • cocktail attire
Tournament Details: Adults 18+ We are looking for 16 teams (4 divisions of 4 teams) Teams are made up of 7 players (minimum of 2 female per team) Each team will be guaranteed 3 games (vs. other teams in their division) The 8 teams who advance will then play in...