Isabella Hope was born with a Hypoplastic Right Heart. She had 3 open heart surgeries at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, enabling her left ventricle to complete the tasks of her entire heart. The surgeries were not a cure. Essentially, Bella functions with half of a working heart. In addition, she suffered a stroke at birth. When she was born, only a handful of children with her condition survived into adulthood. We are forever grateful to the amazing surgeons, doctors and nurses that provide incredible care to Bella and Hope to our family. Today, Isabella is beginning 10th grade, she loves tennis, ice skating and hanging out with friends and cousins. While we know Isabella will have a long road ahead of her, we also know that through research and programs, Isabella and other children born with Congenital Heart Disease will have the chance to grow up and a chance to grow up healthy.
Join Team Bella for the Big Hearts to Little Hearts Annual Walk For CHD Research.
Help us give Hope to children born with CHD! We will be Making a difference with each step – whether in-person or virtually! Sunday September 20, 2020 on the Manasquan boardwalk.