Christian is a 4 year old boy who was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome ( HLHS). He has undergone 3 open heart surgeries in his short life . One at 5 days old, 4 months old , and 2.5 years old . He is currently finished with all his “planned” surgeries and now we just closely monitor him with his cardiologist .
Currently, Christian is doing amazing . He takes swim classes, plays tball, and enjoys going camping . All of this would not be possible without funding to critical research for children born with CHDs. We participated in so many research studies through CHOP. At this time there is NO cure. It’s these research studies that will hopefully one day find a cure and help improve the lives of kids just like Christian.
Join Team Christian on September 18 to walk for children born with Critical CHDs or donate to the cause to help us reach our goal!
Team Members
Jess Connington
$100.00 raised